構造体定義書 HotDocument 今井浩司



typedef struct




No. 名称 属性説明
  fpu bool Onboard FPU
  vme bool Virtual Mode Extensions
  de bool Debugging Extensions
  pse bool Page Size Extensions
  tsc bool Time Stamp Counter
  msr bool Model-Specific Registers, RDMSR, WRMSR
  pae bool Physical Address Extensions
  mce bool Machine Check Architecture
  cx8 bool CMPXCHG8 instruction
  apic bool Onboard APIC
  mtrr bool Memory Type Range Registers
  pge bool Page Global Enable
  mca bool Machine Check Architecture
  cmov bool CMOV instruction (FCMOVCC and FCOMI too if FPU present)
  pat bool Page Attribute Table
  pse_36 bool 36-bit PSEs
  psn bool Processor serial number
  clflsh bool Supports the CLFLUSH instruction
  dts bool Debug Trace Store
  acpi bool ACPI via MSR
  pbe bool Pending Break Enable
  mmx bool Multimedia Extensions
  fxsr bool FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions (fast save and restore
  sse bool Streaming SIMD Extensions
  sse2 bool Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  ss bool CPU self snoop
  htt bool Hyper-Threading
  acc bool Automatic clock control
  syscall bool SYSCALL/SYSRET
  mp bool MP Capable.
  nx bool Execute Disable
  mmxext bool AMD MMX extensions
  fxsr_opt bool FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations
  gbpages bool "pdpe1gb" GB pages
  rdtscp bool RDTSCP
  lm bool Long Mode (x86-64)
  nowext bool AMD 3DNow! extensions
  now bool 3DNow!
  smp bool A smp configuration has been found
  pni bool Streaming SIMD Extensions-3
  pclmulqd bool PCLMULQDQ instruction
  dtes64 bool 64-bit Debug Store
  vmx bool Hardware virtualization
  smx bool Safer Mode
  est bool Enhanced SpeedStep
  tm2 bool Thermal Monitor 2
  sse3 bool Supplemental SSE-3
  cid bool Context ID
  fma bool Fused multiply-add
  cx16 bool CMPXCHG16B
  xtpr bool Send Task Priority Messages
  pdcm bool Performance Capabilities
  dca bool Direct Cache Access
  xmm4_1 bool "sse4_1" SSE-4.1
  xmm4_2 bool "sse4_2" SSE-4.2
  x2apic bool x2APIC
  movbe bool MOVBE instruction
  popcnt bool POPCNT instruction
  aes bool AES Instruction
  osxsave bool XSAVE enabled in the OS
  avx bool Advanced Vector Extensions
  hypervisor bool Running on a hypervisor
  ace2 bool Advanced Cryptography Engine v2
  ace2_en bool ACE v2 enabled
  phe bool PadLock Hash Engine
  phe_en bool PadLock Hash Engine Enabled
  pmm bool PadLock Montgomery Multiplier
  pmm_en bool PadLock Montgomery Multiplier enabled
  svm bool Secure virtual machine
  extapic bool Extended APIC space
  cr8_legacy bool CR8 in 32-bit mode
  abm bool Advanced bit manipulation
  sse4a bool SSE4-A
  misalignsse bool Misaligned SSE mode
  nowprefetch bool 3DNow prefetch instructions
  osvw bool OS Visible Workaround
  ibs bool Instruction Based Sampling
  sse5 bool SSE5
  skinit bool SKINIT/STGI instructions
  wdt bool Watchdog Timer
  ida bool Intel Dynamic Acceleration
  arat bool Always Running APIC Timer
  tpr_shadow bool Intel TPR Shadow
  vnmi bool Intel Virtual NMI
  flexpriority bool Intel FlexPriority
  ept bool Intel Extended Page Table
  vpid bool Intel Virtual Processor ID

See Also

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