構造体定義書 HotDocument 今井浩司



struct s_hardware




No. 名称 属性説明
  dmi s_dmi DMI table
  cpu s_cpu CPU information
  vpd s_vpd VPD information
  pci_domain pci_domain * PCI Devices
  disk_info[256] driveinfo Disk Information
  mbr_ids[256] uint32_t MBR ids
  disks_count int Number of detected disks
  pxe s_pxe  
  vesa s_vesa  
  detected_memory_size unsigned long The detected memory size (in KB)
  pci_ids_return_code int  
  modules_pcimap_return_code int  
  modules_alias_return_code int  
  nb_pci_devices int  
  is_dmi_valid bool  
  is_pxe_valid bool  
  is_vesa_valid bool  
  is_vpd_valid bool  
  dmi_detection bool Does the dmi stuff has already been detected?
  pci_detection bool Does the pci stuff has already been detected?
  cpu_detection bool Does the cpu stuff has already been detected?
  disk_detection bool Does the disk stuff has already been detected?
  pxe_detection bool Does the pxe stuff has already been detected?
  vesa_detection bool Does the vesa sutff have been already detected?
  vpd_detection bool Does the vpd stuff has already been detected?
  memory_detection bool Does the memory size got detected ?
  syslinux_fs[22] char  
  sv const syslinux_version *  
  modules_pcimap_path[255] char  
  modules_alias_path[255] char  
  pciids_path[255] char  
  memtest_label[255] char  
  reboot_label[255] char  
  auto_label[AUTO_COMMAND_SIZE] char  
  vesa_background[255] char  

See Also

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