構造体定義書 HotDocument 今井浩司



struct inflate_state




No. 名称 属性説明
  mode inflate_mode current inflate mode
  last int true if processing last block
  wrap int bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip
  havedict int true if dictionary provided
  flags int gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib)
  check unsigned long protected copy of check value
  total unsigned long protected copy of output count
  wbits unsigned log base 2 of requested window size
  wsize unsigned window size or zero if not using window
  whave unsigned valid bytes in the window
  write unsigned window write index
  window unsigned char FAR * allocated sliding window, if needed
  hold unsigned long input bit accumulator
  bits unsigned number of bits in "in"
  length unsigned literal or length of data to copy
  offset unsigned distance back to copy string from
  extra unsigned extra bits needed
  lencode code const FAR * starting table for length/literal codes
  distcode code const FAR * starting table for distance codes
  lenbits unsigned index bits for lencode
  distbits unsigned index bits for distcode
  ncode unsigned number of code length code lengths
  nlen unsigned number of length code lengths
  ndist unsigned number of distance code lengths
  have unsigned number of code lengths in lens[]
  next code FAR * next available space in codes[]
  lens[320] unsigned short temporary storage for code lengths
  work[288] unsigned short work area for code table building
  codes[ENOUGH] code space for code tables

See Also

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